Hello, my name is

Rev. Alonso Jet Duncan, Jr.,

National Vice President, LBM&EC

About me

Rev. Alonso Jet Duncan, Jr., is an ordained Minister and has been the Head Pastor of the Bridge way Baptist Church since 1997.  Before then, his service in the church included serving as an Assistant Pastor (1992-1997); Sunday School Teacher; Director of Music; Director of Choir; amongst others.  In October 2020, Rev. Duncan was elected on white ballot and assumed the position as the National Vice President of the Liberia Baptist Missionary & Educational Convention (LBM&EC) during the 46th Extraordinary Mid-Year Session of the LBM&EC convened with the Washington Chapel, Ricks Institute. Virginia.  As the National Vice President,  Rev. Duncan is aware of the challenges the LBM$EC faces, and as a testament to his commitment, he subscribes to a “shared vision” to that of the LBM&EC new President, Rev. Dr. Samuel B. Reeves’ Jr. which builds around “Reconciliation, Reunification, and Revival”

Asides from serving as a Baptist Preacher, Rev. Duncan believes in the idea of fostering and promoting interdenominational fellowship and networking between and amongst member churches within the St. Paul Bridge Community.  To date, Rev. Duncan and a group of like-minded pastors within the St. Paul Bridge Community, have established what is now called the St. Paul Bridge Pastoral Fellowship, making up of member churches where he (Rev. Duncan) presently serves as the Advisor to the fellowship since 2004-present.

Service in the Education Sector:  Rev. Duncan’s belief in education not only as a right of a person but also as a bedrock for national development, inspired this servant of the Lord to work in the education sector as a trained teacher and guidance counselor for nearly three decades. He taught many schools in Montserrado and Firestone Liberia School System in Margibi Counties, respectively.  His subject areas taught included: Religious Education, Language Arts, Social Studies and Music.  A few of the schools Rev. Duncan taught as a teacher included-the famous Ricks Institute and Lott Carey Mission School, Billy T. Nimmons Baptist School, Diana E. Davies and GEDA High Schools, Firestone Liberia School System, etc. While in the employ of the Firestone Liberia School System, Rev. Duncan served as Shopsteward for the Education Department.

Public Service History: With a belief that public service is a patriotic duty, Rev. Duncan is honored to join the public service where he presently serves the Deputy Chaplain General, in the House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia (2017-present).  As a God-fearing preacher. Rev. Duncan’s sermons are not short of addressing and /or speaking against societal ills and the need for the Government to fulfill its part of the ‘social contract theory’ to the governed. 

Formal Education:  Rev. Alonso Jet Duncan, Jr., earned a Master of Arts degree (MA) in Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies, from the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation at the University of Liberia in 2018.  Earlier, he obtained a B.Th. degree with concentration in Theology and a minor in Religious Education from the prestigious Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary.  Moreover, Rev. Duncan obtained an Associate of Arts degree in Marketing Management with emphasis in Advertising and Sale Management; several professional training certificates, to include-Peace Studies from the All African Conference of Churches (AACC) with headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya; Music from Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) Liberia, etc.

Family Relationship: Rev. Duncan is happily married to Dea. Annie T. Duncan, and are the proud parents of three biological children and six adopted children, and very proud grandparents of a grandson.